Coke reached London just before 6. The huge city was just beginning to wake up but
the streets were still dark. He drove to a block of small flats not far from the river in the
south east. There was a light on in one of the ground floor flats. It was shining in the
kitchen. He went to the window and tapped softly. He was still standing at the window
when the back door opened. When he looked up, a woman was standing' there. He
hesitated when he saw her and almost went back into the 'shadows again, but she looked
at him calmly. "Come in, Ted. I've been expecting you," she said very softly. He walked
towards her and stood in the open doorway.
"I haven't got any right to ask for your help/' he said after a pause. "But there's nobody
else you can go to, is there? You'd better come in," she answered calmly.