This research project is made possible through the help and support from everyone around me, including: my parents, teachers, and friends. Especially, please allow me to dedicate my acknowledgment of gratitude toward the following significant advisors:
First, I would like to thank Aj. Malcolm C. Perry for his most support and encouragement. He kindly read my paper and offered invaluable detailed advices on grammar, organization, and the theme of the paper.
Second, I would like to thank Aj.Patthiya Limbut and Aj. Ge Jinghui, the Chinese teachers of Faculty of International Studies for the interview and also give me some recommendations to use on my project.
Next, I would like to thank Aj. James Vinehill and Aj Binh Ngo for support and kindly check my grammar and also give the important advices to do the research project.
Finally, I sincerely thank to my parents, family, and friends, who help me to do this project and also answered my questionnaire for use in this project. All the product of this research paper would not be possible without all of them, who I was mentioned above.