did you know that the most important part your entire body
is your central nervous system your central nervous system also known as The
Master System
is made up of your brain and your spinal cord in a controlled
every single function in your entire body in fact
your central nervous system is so important that's the only body part that
is totally
encased in bombs force protection starting at the top
is your brain in your brain is the central processing unit up your body
coordinates and compete all the electrical signals
they're sent threatening nervous system in your entire body
of so from your brain electrical impulses were signals
percent down your spinal cord in trouble all the way to the base of your spine
in bridging of abuse by a court are the spine read like structures called spinal
and the exit between the vertebrae up the spinal column supply all your
salesman organs and from there the electrical impulses are set back up to
the brain in a
be back and
every level in your spine exiting spinal nerve supply specific muscles and organs
for instance starting from your lower back the spinal nerve supply such
structures as your legs
reproductive organs letter kidneys and Colin as we move up the spine to the
upper back baur
the Essex by the exiting spinal nerve supply such organs as your liver
stomach part in lungs moving up further to your neck
these nerve supply such structures as your eyes years
throw and arms now in a healthy spine
your spinal bones for bird a break are in proper alignment in the cushioning
or shock absorbers between the vertebrae called intervertebral discs
are thick and healthy as such correct spinal movement is possible
in the spinal nerves are able to freely exit the spine sending nerve impulses
from the brain
to the target muscles and organs without any interference
however from poor posture balls
a car accident or some other injury your vertebrae can become misaligned
this misalignment is what chiropractors called vertebral subluxation complex
or just subluxation when a subluxation occurs
your bird a break and then press on these existing spinal nerves interfere
unblock these nerve impulses when this happens nerve damage begins in your body
starts to dysfunction the mall though potentially payments the first
symptoms can develop rapidly and when a subluxation is left untreated
your spine begins to decay your discs begin to then and wear down
and your vertebrae start deformed degenerate leading to the development
up the Spurs or osteophytes was then further comprises
and damages your nerves of
so when a subluxation occurs in your lower back it can cause back pain
sciatica bladder weakness irritable bowel syndrome erectile dysfunction
a subluxation in your upper back can cause respiratory problems
digest the problems in decreased energy levels and subluxations in your neck
can cause headaches dizziness tonight is carpal tunnel syndrome numbness tingling
and weakness to one or both have your arms
fortunately chiropractic can help in fact
chiropractors are the only health care professionals that are specifically in
adequately trained
to detect and correct vertebral subluxations and through a series a
precise car pretty good just minutes
your chiropractor will restore your spines proper alignment remove nerve
and return your body to its optimal health in
and it's important to know your body has the ability to heal itself
so long as there's no interference so having a healthy spine
is not just about removing pain and symptoms but achieving your body's
maximum health potential