from being deviated to androgenesis. The first is the
genotype. Since androgenic competence is under
genetic control (Beckert 1998; Rudolf et al. 1999),
some species respond better than others. Even within a
species, there are high and low and even nullresponding
genotypes (Ferrie et al. 1995). The second
factor is the developmental stage of the microspore. In
this regard, there is a wide consensus about the best
stage to deviate the microspore towards embryogenesis,
which revolves around the first pollen mitosis
(reviewed in Seguı´-Simarro and Nuez 2008; Touraev
et al. 2001). In other words, it is believed that the most
responding stages are the vacuolated microspore (VM)
and the young bicellular pollen (YBP).