Table 2 presents an analysis of the reviewed literature. The first column identifies the papers by the surname of the
first author and year of publication. The full citations are available in the end-text references. The second column
classifies the methodological design of the papers into quasi or fully experimental or other - usually conducted
through survey. The third column depicts whether or not the paper addressed digital scholarship through lecture
capture or some other format. The fourth column identifies whether the research results showed a positive, negative
or neutral effect of digital content on student attendance. A small subset of papers did not address attendance, in
which case, there is no x inserted in this set of rows. Similarly, the final column identifies whether the results showed
a positive, negative or neutral effect on student achievement. Again, where no x is inserted, achievement was not
Nineteen journal papers were found that researched the impact of digital scholarship on the higher education student
experience. These papers were published between 2006 and 2013 with the largest number (six papers) appearing in
2009. The methodological design of ten of the papers was experimental or quasi-experimental and the other nine
were survey-based. Ten of the papers researched online content created through lecture recording. The other nine
addressed other types of online formats, the most prevalent of which was podcasts. Eleven of the papers found no
evidence in support of the hypothesis that providing lectures online increases student absenteeism. Results of three of
the studies showed that there was a deleterious impact. The remaining five did not address attendance. Eleven of the papers provided evidence that online lectures positively affect student learning or achievement, while five studies
showed no effect. Three papers did not address student learning and three did not address achievement. Analysis of
the literature led to the following overall conclusions. Approximately half are experimental in design and
approximately half address lecture capture. The weight of the evidence is that providing lectures online does not
decrease student on-campus attendance and that it increases achievement.
The approach and results of the survey studies are now briefly presented to provide further information regarding
perceptions about the relationship between digital scholarship, attendance and achievement. In survey findings,
Billings-Gagliardi and Mazor (2007) and Bongey, Cizadlo and Kalnbach (2006) revealed that the availability of
digital materials did not decrease their on-campus attendance. Cardall, Krupat and Ulrich’s (2008) student survey
revealed that while the majority of learners continue to attend live lectures when provided both options, those who
access recorded lectures do so because they believe their learning is improved. Students in Copley (2007) reported
using the online materials for revision, and not decreasing their on-campus attendance. Copley interpreted the survey
data as providing evidence of enhanced learning outcomes. He explained that by supplementing students’ online
study resources, they were freed-up to engage and participate rather than to record notes in class, thereby scaffolding
thinking and activity (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999). Research findings also indicated a high percentage of
surveyed students indicated a belief that lecture capture and podcasts improved learning (DiVall et al., 2013; Evans,
2008, even when students reported decreased attendance (Holbrook & Dupont, 2009). Faculty members were also
positive about lecture capture for improved learning, but to a lesser extent (Lonn & Teasley, 2009). The students
surveyed by Wang, Mattick and Dunne (2010) perceived face-to-face lectures as more consistently maintaining
quality standards and stated that absenteeism would not increase as a result of online content. The reviewed survey
literature revealed that the research participants were most often students and that the most common response was
favourable to digital scholarship.
Next, the results of the experimental and quasi-experimental research are described to annotate the evidence
regarding an overall positive relationship between digital scholarship and achievement and detail how researchers
established no significant relationship with student on-campus lecture attendance. Grabe and Christopherson (2007)
found that when given options of type of online content, most students used complete text-based lecture notes.
Absenteeism did not increase. Notably, there was a positive relationship between student attendance and use of
digital resources. Further, this positive relationship extended to achievement as demonstrated through exam
performance. Jensen (2011) structured an experiment varying the pedagogical approach in alternate weeks. The
attendance at on-campus lectures and viewing of online lectures decreased and quiz scores indicated no significant
difference for either approach. The students in this cohort, however, perceived face-to-face lectures as being more
advantageous for their learning. Lewis and Sloan (2012) found a slight, but statistically insignificant benefit of online
lecture viewing on quiz performance. The researchers continue to explore means of increasing the impact. Williams,
Birch and Hancock (2012) provided empirical evidence that some students use captured lectures as a replacement for
on-campus attendance and others as a supplement or revision tool, thereby attendance is indicated in Table 2 as
neutral. Students who used online lectures as a complement to face-to-face classes achieved higher grades. While a
full meta-analysis is not possible due to limited commonality and standardisation between methodologies and
factors, common conclusions as to unsupported links between digital content and absenteeism and supported
relationships with learning were established.
Four of the analysed papers described research designs such that online lectures were treated as the independent,
experimental, causal variable and attendance and/or achievement were treated as the dependent variables, or effect.
In the context of introductory biology, Lents and Cifuentes (2009) compared two sections of the same course,
whereby 59 students experienced all of their lectures face-to-face and 24 students experienced 8 of their lectures
online through screen-casting (adding audio narration to slides and producing as an online video). The outcome was
no significant difference in student achievement or attendance in on-campus classes. Studying a single undergraduate
software engineering subject with 108 students, von Konsky, Ivins and Gribble (2009) tracked attendance, grades
and student access to streamed lectures. Consistent with Lents and Cifuentes (2009), there was no indicated
relationship between online lectures, achievement and attendance.
In McKinney, Dyck, and Luber (2009), 32 undergraduate psychology students experienced on-campus lectures and
34 students experienced podcasts with accompanying printed slides. The podcast group showed statistically higher
exam scores. Notably, the students self-selected research groups and even though the researchers analysed and found
no significant difference in overall grade point average between students in the two groups, the sample size was too small to overcome potentially interfering variables. Based on class section registration, Traphagan, Kucsera and
Kishi (2010) conducted research with 211 geology students who attended face-to-face lectures and 153 on-campus
students who also had access to the lectures online, wherein the slides and lecturer played on side-by-side windows.
The results indicated reduced lecture attendance by the group with access to online recordings. However, there was
no significant difference in achievement between the two groups and there was a positive relationship between
online lecture viewing and achievement. As with other presented studies, these researchers did not randomly assign
students to research groups.
In summary, the results of the four published empirical studies reviewed above are unanimous in revealing that
student achievement is not impaired by having access to online lectures. The studies warrant further investigation
into a hypothesised positive relationship between digital scholarship through online lectures and student
ตารางที่ 2 แสดงการวิเคราะห์เอกสารประกอบการทบทวน คอลัมน์แรกเอกสารที่ระบุ โดยนามสกุลของการชื่อผู้เขียนและปีพิมพ์ อ้างทั้งหมดมีการอ้างข้อความสิ้นสุด คอลัมน์ที่สองแบ่งประเภทของการออกแบบ methodological ของเอกสารเกือบ หรือเต็มทดลอง หรือ อื่น ๆ - มักจะดำเนินผ่านแบบสำรวจ คอลัมน์ที่สามแสดงให้เห็นว่ากระดาษส่งทุนดิจิทัลผ่านบรรยายหรือไม่จับภาพหรือรูปแบบอื่น ๆ คอลัมน์ 4 ระบุว่าผลการวิจัยพบว่าบวก ลบหรือผลกลางของเนื้อหาดิจิตอลเข้าเรียน ชุดย่อยขนาดเล็กของเอกสารได้เข้าร่วม ในกรณีใด เป็น x ไม่แทรกในชุดของแถว ในทำนองเดียวกัน คอลัมน์สุดท้ายระบุว่าแสดงผลเป็นบวก ลบ หรือเป็นกลางผลความสำเร็จของนักเรียน อีก ซึ่ง x ไม่ใส่ ความสำเร็จไม่อยู่กระดาษสมุดทส่วนพบที่เมือผลการศึกษาดิจิตอลในนักศึกษาประสบการณ์ เอกสารเหล่านี้เผยแพร่ระหว่างปี 2006 และปี 2013 ด้วยใหญ่ที่สุดหมายเลข (เอกสาร 6) ปรากฏใน2009.ออกแบบ methodological สิบเอกสารถูกทดลอง หรือกึ่งทดลอง และอื่น ๆ 9มีการสำรวจ สิบของเอกสารวิจัยออนไลน์เนื้อหาที่สร้าง โดยบันทึกการบรรยาย อื่น ๆ 9ระบุชนิดอื่น ๆ รูปออนไลน์ พอดคาสต์เป็นแพร่หลายมากที่สุดซึ่ง 43 ของเอกสารพบไม่หลักฐานที่สนับสนุนสมมติฐานที่ว่า ให้บรรยายออนไลน์เพิ่มนักเรียนขาดเรียน ผลลัพธ์ของสามการศึกษาพบว่า มีผลร้าย เหลือห้าได้เข้าร่วมประชุม หลักฐานเอกสารให้ว่า บรรยายออนไลน์บวกมีผลต่อนักเรียนที่เรียนรู้หรือผลสัมฤทธิ์ ในขณะที่ศึกษา 5 43แสดงให้เห็นว่าไม่มีผล เอกสารที่สามได้นักเรียนเรียนรู้ และ 3 ไม่ได้ความสำเร็จ วิเคราะห์วรรณกรรมที่นำไปสู่บทสรุปโดยรวมต่อไปนี้ ประมาณครึ่งหนึ่งถูกทดลองในการออกแบบ และประมาณครึ่งอยู่บรรยายจับ คือน้ำหนักของหลักฐาน ที่ให้บรรยายออนไลน์ไม่ได้ลดการเข้าเรียนในมหาวิทยาลัยและการที่มันเพิ่มความสำเร็จวิธีการและผลของการศึกษาสำรวจขณะนี้โดยสังเขปแสดงเพื่อให้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างทุนดิจิตอล เข้างาน และความสำเร็จ ในผลการวิจัยแบบสำรวจเรียกเก็บเงินตาม Gagliardi และ Mazor (2007) และ Bongey, Cizadlo และ Kalnbach (2006) เปิดเผยที่พร้อมใช้งานของสื่อดิจิทัลได้ลดการเข้างานในวิทยาเขต สำรวจนักเรียน (2008) Cardall, Krupat และของ Ulrichเปิดเผยว่า ในขณะที่ส่วนใหญ่เรียนต่อฟังบรรยายสดเมื่อให้ทั้งสองตัวเลือก ผู้ที่เข้าบรรยายบันทึกดังกล่าวเนื่องจากเชื่อว่า เป็นการปรับปรุงการเรียนรู้ รายงานนักเรียนทโคบเลย์ (2007)using the online materials for revision, and not decreasing their on-campus attendance. Copley interpreted the surveydata as providing evidence of enhanced learning outcomes. He explained that by supplementing students’ onlinestudy resources, they were freed-up to engage and participate rather than to record notes in class, thereby scaffoldingthinking and activity (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999). Research findings also indicated a high percentage ofsurveyed students indicated a belief that lecture capture and podcasts improved learning (DiVall et al., 2013; Evans,2008, even when students reported decreased attendance (Holbrook & Dupont, 2009). Faculty members were alsopositive about lecture capture for improved learning, but to a lesser extent (Lonn & Teasley, 2009). The studentssurveyed by Wang, Mattick and Dunne (2010) perceived face-to-face lectures as more consistently maintainingquality standards and stated that absenteeism would not increase as a result of online content. The reviewed surveyliterature revealed that the research participants were most often students and that the most common response wasfavourable to digital scholarship.Next, the results of the experimental and quasi-experimental research are described to annotate the evidenceregarding an overall positive relationship between digital scholarship and achievement and detail how researchersestablished no significant relationship with student on-campus lecture attendance. Grabe and Christopherson (2007)found that when given options of type of online content, most students used complete text-based lecture notes.Absenteeism did not increase. Notably, there was a positive relationship between student attendance and use ofdigital resources. Further, this positive relationship extended to achievement as demonstrated through examperformance. Jensen (2011) structured an experiment varying the pedagogical approach in alternate weeks. Theattendance at on-campus lectures and viewing of online lectures decreased and quiz scores indicated no significantdifference for either approach. The students in this cohort, however, perceived face-to-face lectures as being moreadvantageous for their learning. Lewis and Sloan (2012) found a slight, but statistically insignificant benefit of onlinelecture viewing on quiz performance. The researchers continue to explore means of increasing the impact. Williams,Birch and Hancock (2012) provided empirical evidence that some students use captured lectures as a replacement foron-campus attendance and others as a supplement or revision tool, thereby attendance is indicated in Table 2 asneutral. Students who used online lectures as a complement to face-to-face classes achieved higher grades. While afull meta-analysis is not possible due to limited commonality and standardisation between methodologies andfactors, common conclusions as to unsupported links between digital content and absenteeism and supportedrelationships with learning were established.Four of the analysed papers described research designs such that online lectures were treated as the independent,experimental, causal variable and attendance and/or achievement were treated as the dependent variables, or effect.In the context of introductory biology, Lents and Cifuentes (2009) compared two sections of the same course,whereby 59 students experienced all of their lectures face-to-face and 24 students experienced 8 of their lecturesonline through screen-casting (adding audio narration to slides and producing as an online video). The outcome wasno significant difference in student achievement or attendance in on-campus classes. Studying a single undergraduatesoftware engineering subject with 108 students, von Konsky, Ivins and Gribble (2009) tracked attendance, gradesand student access to streamed lectures. Consistent with Lents and Cifuentes (2009), there was no indicatedrelationship between online lectures, achievement and attendance.In McKinney, Dyck, and Luber (2009), 32 undergraduate psychology students experienced on-campus lectures and34 students experienced podcasts with accompanying printed slides. The podcast group showed statistically higherexam scores. Notably, the students self-selected research groups and even though the researchers analysed and foundno significant difference in overall grade point average between students in the two groups, the sample size was too small to overcome potentially interfering variables. Based on class section registration, Traphagan, Kucsera andKishi (2010) conducted research with 211 geology students who attended face-to-face lectures and 153 on-campus
students who also had access to the lectures online, wherein the slides and lecturer played on side-by-side windows.
The results indicated reduced lecture attendance by the group with access to online recordings. However, there was
no significant difference in achievement between the two groups and there was a positive relationship between
online lecture viewing and achievement. As with other presented studies, these researchers did not randomly assign
students to research groups.
In summary, the results of the four published empirical studies reviewed above are unanimous in revealing that
student achievement is not impaired by having access to online lectures. The studies warrant further investigation
into a hypothesised positive relationship between digital scholarship through online lectures and student
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