Your credit reputation is important to you, Ms.Riders.
For some time now, we have been writing to you in an effort to clean up that
balance of $ 20,000, explained in the attached statement. So far you have not
sent us either a check or an explanation, although six separate messages have
called the debt to your attention.
Can't we still settle this account between ourselves in a friendly way? lfyou send
your check for $ 20,000 now, you can continue to buy garden tools on your
regular terms. The agreement with our collection agency, however, does not
allowed further delay.
We must turn your account ove.Lto our agency for
collection unless it is taken care of within ten days.
The choice is yours.
If your check reaches us by November 16, 2Oxx, your
credit. standing with US iS still good, and our friendly business relations will
Pflease send youe check for $ 20,000 today. Protect your credit reputation.