This paper investigates reactions of mercury (Hg) compounds in effluents of the wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process during waste water treatment. Hence, a concept for the controlled desorption and
immobilization of Hg is introduced. The aim is to create a highly concentrated sink for Hg for further processing. Experiments are carried out with a continuously operated lab-scale wet FGD system and a
batch-wise operated alkalization reactor for the treatment of synthetic and real waste water samples.
By aeration of the liquid phase, the controlled desorption of Hg during the alkalization step of the waste
water treatment process is enabled. The Hg-rich exhaust air is directed to an activated carbon fixed bed
adsorber. It is demonstrated, that Hg is emitted in its elemental form (Hg0). Thus, a chemical reduction of
dissolved Hg2+ compounds takes place prior to Hg0 desorption to the gas phase. Mechanisms for the reactions are proposed, identifying SO3 2 and OH as electron donors. Linear dependency of Hg0 formation on
SO3 2 and OH concentration indicate first order dependencies of reaction kinetics. Decreasing concentration of Hg0 in the exhaust air for increasing Cl concentration is observed. The results show exponential
dependence of Hg0 desorption on temperature and stirring speed. The mass flow of desorbed Hg0 remains
constant for variation in aeration flow rate. Thus, the application of low air flux is beneficial in terms of
energy demand and for the purpose of creating a highly concentrated sink for Hg in the process. The concentration decrease of Hg2+ in the waste water is proportional to the savings in terms of precipitating
agent consumption of further processing steps. Finally, the concept developed prevents unnoticed Hg
desorption during waste water treatment and increases sustainability and plant safety
This paper investigates reactions of mercury (Hg) compounds in effluents of the wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process during waste water treatment. Hence, a concept for the controlled desorption andimmobilization of Hg is introduced. The aim is to create a highly concentrated sink for Hg for further processing. Experiments are carried out with a continuously operated lab-scale wet FGD system and abatch-wise operated alkalization reactor for the treatment of synthetic and real waste water samples.By aeration of the liquid phase, the controlled desorption of Hg during the alkalization step of the wastewater treatment process is enabled. The Hg-rich exhaust air is directed to an activated carbon fixed bedadsorber. It is demonstrated, that Hg is emitted in its elemental form (Hg0). Thus, a chemical reduction ofdissolved Hg2+ compounds takes place prior to Hg0 desorption to the gas phase. Mechanisms for the reactions are proposed, identifying SO3 2 and OH as electron donors. Linear dependency of Hg0 formation onSO3 2 and OH concentration indicate first order dependencies of reaction kinetics. Decreasing concentration of Hg0 in the exhaust air for increasing Cl concentration is observed. The results show exponentialdependence of Hg0 desorption on temperature and stirring speed. The mass flow of desorbed Hg0 remainsconstant for variation in aeration flow rate. Thus, the application of low air flux is beneficial in terms ofenergy demand and for the purpose of creating a highly concentrated sink for Hg in the process. The concentration decrease of Hg2+ in the waste water is proportional to the savings in terms of precipitatingagent consumption of further processing steps. Finally, the concept developed prevents unnoticed Hgdesorption during waste water treatment and increases sustainability and plant safety
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