Thermal degradation of paddy husk
For thermal degradation studies, different research groups
have used non-isothermal and isothermal degradation
techniques. In non-isothermal, biomass material is heated
under a pre-set programmed or linear heating rate and weight
loss data is recorded as a function of temperature or time, on a
thermal analyzer. The process is characterized by finely
ground small particle size and low weight samples. The
instrumentation is well developed for non-isothermal
degradation. On the other hand the isothermal degradation is
characterized by large samples, bigger size and is carried out
in specially designed therm0 balance.
Dunng the last 30 to 35 years thermogravimetric data to
evaluate kmetic parameters of solid state decomposition
reactions involving weight loss and temperature have been
investigated by several research workers. A common
methodology/models used for the determination of energy of
activation, pre-exponential factor and order of reaction adopted
by most of the scientists is given below. Most of researchers
have assumed solid state decomposition according to the
following reaction