When, Where and How the bodies were found:
The earliest Scythian mummy was discovered in 1865. The most recent Scythian mummy discovery was in 2006. All of the mummies have been found scattered within the Altain Mountains, in countries such as Mongolia, Russia, Siberia and Kazakhstan. These mummies were often stumbled upon whilst excavations in the same area where being conducted. This was because many of the mummies were found bunched together or in massive kurgans (grave mounds) near their ruler to follow them into the afterlife. The Ice Princess or "Ledi" for Lady, was found because Russian archaeologists were searching for ice lenses which they weren't sure if any mounds housed tombs or mummies.
Description of the Body/Bodies:
Because there have been 40 or so discovered Scythian mummies, it is hard to describe them all. So, I will specify on a few details on a few mummies also mentioned in my oral component of the presentation.
Wounded Warrior I: had a triple-barbed arrowhead lodged in the flesh below his right eye, fully intact, wearing a coat of marmot fur, crack in his skull, thin cuts on cheek bone, fractured skull (from previous sword injury) and broken left arm (from a previous fall).
Ice Princess: wearing Chinese silk, elaborately tattooed, wearing a headdress 8 feet long, grave undisturbed by robbers or looters (miraculously!), body in very good condition.
Blonde Warrior: blonde hair (obviously), very good condition, 3500 years old, fur coat of marmot fur with sheep's wool lining and adorned sable, traces of woven wool pants, knee-high felt boots, skin on upper body virtually intact, revealing tattoos.