For the first step to make a good tea, you need to buy a tea with good quality. Many kind of tea that you can find in market like tea powder, teabag, and tea dried-tea leaves. You can choose tea powder for simple way, but it is not too delicious because of chemical substance on it. Tea bag also the choice if you dont want to wait too long for make a cup of tea. But tea bag also not too good because the bag has’nt good quality and contains of chemical substance on it. The only good choice is dried-tea leaves because it more fresh and natural. Not only that, dried-tea leaves also have a good smell.
Second steps after you chose the good quality of tea, you must prepare the ingredients and also the tools. The ingredients you need is like sugar. The sugar that you use here is granulated sugar not refined sugar. Another one is water ( boiled water). So you must boil water for the first. After the ingredients done you need some tools too such as kettle and stove to boil the water, if you dont have kettle, you also can use pot which is important to boil water.
The last is how to make a cup of tea itself. Firstly you have to rehate bolied water in kettle about 3-5 minutes. After that pour the lukewarm water into the teapot. If already done, the other step is you have to add the dried-tea leaves into the teapot. Don’t add too much dried-tea leaves because the tea will too thick to drink. Wait about 3 minutes until the tea becomes a dark colour. Then strain the tea into a cup so that dried-tea leaves can be filtered. Don’t forget to add sugar according to your taste. And the tea ready to serve. You also can add milk or fruit syrup into your tea according your favourite flavour.
Making a tea is not too difficult and you don’t have to buy instant tea in supermarket or mall if there is still time to make it. You just need tea, sugar, water, kettle, teapot, cup to make a cup of tea. You can also add milk or fruit syrup according your favourite flavour. With drinking a cup of tea can relax our body and can refresh our mind because of it smells.