We have addressed staffing challenges in a way that is similar to digitization programs at peer institutions: we have combined resources and balanced the distribution of work between new and existing staff and units in the library. Digital imaging and metadata creation has been distributed amongst repurposed staff, faculty and students in Special Collections, IT, and Cataloging (Boock, 2008). The staff and faculty dedicate a portion of their time to work on our projects, so, as we begin, we really are only working with a fraction of time spent on our digitization projects. We have depended heavily upon student labor, and have structured many production tasks and responsibilities so that they can be fulfilled and monitored by students. Our senior students, for example, assist by performing quality control on the work created by junior students, followed up with further quality control work by staff and faculty. Some of our Upstate project partners in the South Carolina Digital Library have worked collaboratively with us in metadata creation, but they are often content experts, not metadata experts. Our operations and
projects are still new, and these relationships will be negotiated continually over time; we hope we can dedicate more staff to the
process of entering metadata, performing quality control, preparing
content for upload into CONTENTdm and preserving our images and