Genes coding for adaptation to oxidative stresses, including a glutathione peroxidase (gpo), thioredoxin (trxA1), stress-induced DNA binding protein (lp_3128 gene), catalase (kat), and a ferric uptake regulator (fur) (45), were induced in ethanol-exposed cultures after 24 h of growth. In comparison, genes in the SOS regulon important for survival under conditions which induce DNA damage were either downregulated or not differentially expressed during extended ethanol exposure (24 h). Similarly, the expression of three cell surface complexes (lp_2173 to lp_2175, lp_2975 to lp_2978, and lp_3676 to lp_3679) that were previously shown to be strongly induced during lactate stress was unaffected by ethanol stress (39).