This seems to be considered one of the finest games that the NES had to offer, nearly always appearing on best NES games lists. Though I personally don’t quite agree on that point, it is a very well made game and fun to play.
The music is very enjoyable and it’s amazing seeing how many tracks they could put into a game that’s data size is smaller than most modern day gifs. That being said, the game doesn’t really have many truly memorable tracks, with the possible exception of the opening cutscene’s theme.
The graphics are okay and I don’t know if it was just the Wii, but sometimes the game would slow down if there were many enemies, like the game was struggling to keep its framerate. I also played the recently released Megaman collection on the PS4 to see if it had the same problems and though it was better, it still struggled at times.
The robot masters are mixed when it came to design, with some really cool ones like Metal Man and Crash Man as well as some really ugly looking ones like Wood Man who was even worse as his power, the leaf shield was useless. If you’re wondering, the order I beat them was Metal Man, Wood Man, Flash Man, Bubble Man, Heat Man, Air Man, Quick Man and Crash Man.
My biggest problem with the game though is that I find it too easy to beat. I was under the impression that Mega Man games were some of the hardest games on the system and 1, 3 and 4 most definitely live up to this. This one though? I was able to beat this one in under 4 hours and that was because all the enemies follow a simple pattern with no variation so once you have figured it out, you can beat them every time. The second reason is the metal blade which is ridiculously overpowered, basically being able to do the job of the other weapons in most occasions.
Overall, good game but not the best.
Lastly as a trivia note. If you play the new Mega Man collection in the PAL region and thought the music sounded slightly different from the original NES and Wii Virtual Console versions, you aren’t wrong. The sound effects and music used in the new version are from the NTSC release of the game and not the original PAL version.