We revisit the classic problem of estimation of the binomial parameters when both parameters
n, p are unknown. We start with a series of results that illustrate the fundamental difficulties in the
problem. Specifically, we establish lack of unbiased estimates for essentially any functions of just
n or just p. We also quantify just how badly biased the sample maximum is as an estimator of n.
Then, we motivate and present two new estimators of n. One is a new moment estimate and the
other is a bias correction of the sample maximum. Both are easy to motivate, compute, and jackknife.
The second estimate frequently beats most common estimates of n in the simulations, including the
Carroll–Lombard estimate. This estimate is very promising. We end with a family of estimates for p;
a specific one from the family is compared to the presently common estimate max{1 − S2/X, ¯ 0} and
the improvements in mean-squared error are often very significant. In all cases, the asymptotics are
derived in one domain. Some other possible estimates such as a truncated MLE and empirical Bayes
methods are briefly discussed
We revisit the classic problem of estimation of the binomial parameters when both parametersn, p are unknown. We start with a series of results that illustrate the fundamental difficulties in theproblem. Specifically, we establish lack of unbiased estimates for essentially any functions of justn or just p. We also quantify just how badly biased the sample maximum is as an estimator of n.Then, we motivate and present two new estimators of n. One is a new moment estimate and theother is a bias correction of the sample maximum. Both are easy to motivate, compute, and jackknife.The second estimate frequently beats most common estimates of n in the simulations, including theCarroll–Lombard estimate. This estimate is very promising. We end with a family of estimates for p;a specific one from the family is compared to the presently common estimate max{1 − S2/X, ¯ 0} andthe improvements in mean-squared error are often very significant. In all cases, the asymptotics arederived in one domain. Some other possible estimates such as a truncated MLE and empirical Bayesmethods are briefly discussed
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