Data from this study clearly indicate that a fixed proto- col as to how often wild plants should be collected did not exist (Figure 2). Plants were collected throughout the year, and seasonality only played a role when harvesting fruits. However, harvesting frequency in Ga-Sekgopo vil- lage (42%) was higher than that of Monyaneng (34%). A significant number of participants in Ga-Sekgopo harvest plant material almost on a daily basis compared to those residing in Monywaneng, who collect once a week. This might be due to the difference in lifestyles between par- ticipants, mostly influenced by locality. For instance Monywaneng village is located closer to the city of Polokwane, and people in this village regularly use elec- tricity as their primary source of energy and paraffin for cooking except during winter. In contrast Ga-Sekgopo is situated far from urban areas, and the majority of people are dependent on wood as a source of fuel for cooking and for the provision of other needs on a daily basis.