Sustained hyperglycemia is a central element in the
pathogenesis of macrovascular and microvascular complications
in diabetics [1]. Nonenzymatic products of glucose
(advanced glycation endproducts [AGEs]) and free radical
formation have been implicated in vascular complications
[2]. AGEs are formed from covalent reactions between free
amino groups of amino acids and the oxo groups of sugars;
glucose, fructose, ribose. One of the most well-known
AGEs is hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). It has been shown that
chronic diabetic complications are caused by the crosslinking
of AGEs with long-lived proteins such as collagen,
so that protein structure and function are altered [3].
Oxidative stress in diabetes is caused by hyperglycemia
inducing increased free radical formation via interruption of
the electron transport chain and glucose auto-oxidation. It
also occurs during AGE formation [4, 5]. A rise in the
oxidant level has two main effects: damage to various cell
components such as lipid peroxidation, and trigger the
specific signaling pathway such as nuclear factor-κB and
protein kinase C [6] leading to the release of proinflammatory
Mulberry (Morus alba L., family of Moraceae) is a native
plant in Thailand. Its leaves are used for making herbal tea
that is used to promote good health and control diabetes.
Intriguingly, Egyptian mulberry root bark extract adminis-
ntroductionSustained hyperglycemia is a central element in thepathogenesis of macrovascular and microvascular complicationsin diabetics [1]. Nonenzymatic products of glucose(advanced glycation endproducts [AGEs]) and free radicalformation have been implicated in vascular complications[2]. AGEs are formed from covalent reactions between freeamino groups of amino acids and the oxo groups of sugars;glucose, fructose, ribose. One of the most well-knownAGEs is hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). It has been shown thatchronic diabetic complications are caused by the crosslinkingof AGEs with long-lived proteins such as collagen,so that protein structure and function are altered [3].Oxidative stress in diabetes is caused by hyperglycemiainducing increased free radical formation via interruption ofthe electron transport chain and glucose auto-oxidation. Italso occurs during AGE formation [4, 5]. A rise in theoxidant level has two main effects: damage to various cellcomponents such as lipid peroxidation, and trigger thespecific signaling pathway such as nuclear factor-κB andprotein kinase C [6] leading to the release of proinflammatorycytokines.Mulberry (Morus alba L., family of Moraceae) is a nativeplant in Thailand. Its leaves are used for making herbal teathat is used to promote good health and control diabetes.Intriguingly, Egyptian mulberry root bark extract adminis-
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