Tesco considered as the largest employer of the private sector in the region of UK. It is viewed that the Tesco Company has approximately 360000 workers globally. In UK, stores of the UK vary from small domestic sites of the Tesco Express to the large Tesco superstores and Extras. It is viewed that Tesco operates in almost 12 countries apart from UK, comprising Japan, China and Turkey (Corporate Watch, 2004).The Tesco Company has currently opened the stores in the US. This global expansion is considered as the part of the Tesco strategy to grow and diversify the business. It is viewed that in its non –operations Tesco maintains on strengths and formed as the leader of the market in supermarket sector of the UK. This report indicates the HR plan of the Tesco Company which critically evaluate how HR can contribute and effect on the strategic plan and evaluates the strategic significance of current, future and anticipated HR requirements and evaluates how organizational culture impacts retention and recruitment of the staff. All the information has been taken from the secondary sources such as journal, academic sources and PDF (Recruitment & Selection at Tesco).