In this study, low cost activated carbon was prepared from the grape stalk by chemical activation with ZnCl2 in
CO2 atmosphere and its characteristicswere determined. Experimentswere carried out at different carbonization
temperature and time, impregnation time and impregnation ratio,which had significant effect on the pore structure
and surface area of carbon. The prepared activated carbonwas characterized by proximate-ultimate analysis,
BET surface area, iodine number, surface functional group analysis by Boehm's titration and FT-IR analysis, pHzpc,
SEM-EDX and particle size distribution. Results showed that the carbonization temperature and impregnation
ratio have significant effect on the surface area and pore structure of the prepared activated carbon. The optimum
conditions for preparing the activated carbon having the highest surface area were found to be a carbonization
temperature of 700 °C, carbonization time of 120 min, impregnation time of 36 h and ZnCl2/grape stalk ratio of
2. The results showed that the BET surface area, total pore volume, iodine number, pHzpc and the yield of activated
carbon prepared under the optimum conditions were 1411 m2/g, 0.723 cm3/g, 1760 mg/g, 2.84 and 26.48%,
respectively, and the activated carbon has acidic surface functional groups and highly porous surfacewith cracks,
channels and large holes.
In this study, low cost activated carbon was prepared from the grape stalk by chemical activation with ZnCl2 inCO2 atmosphere and its characteristicswere determined. Experimentswere carried out at different carbonizationtemperature and time, impregnation time and impregnation ratio,which had significant effect on the pore structureand surface area of carbon. The prepared activated carbonwas characterized by proximate-ultimate analysis,BET surface area, iodine number, surface functional group analysis by Boehm's titration and FT-IR analysis, pHzpc,SEM-EDX and particle size distribution. Results showed that the carbonization temperature and impregnationratio have significant effect on the surface area and pore structure of the prepared activated carbon. The optimumconditions for preparing the activated carbon having the highest surface area were found to be a carbonizationtemperature of 700 °C, carbonization time of 120 min, impregnation time of 36 h and ZnCl2/grape stalk ratio of2. The results showed that the BET surface area, total pore volume, iodine number, pHzpc and the yield of activatedcarbon prepared under the optimum conditions were 1411 m2/g, 0.723 cm3/g, 1760 mg/g, 2.84 and 26.48%,respectively, and the activated carbon has acidic surface functional groups and highly porous surfacewith cracks,channels and large holes.
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