Changing Default Templates
When you open a new document with File - New, a blank document appears based on a OpenOffice template. You can edit, modify, or replace this template so that the new document contains your customized Styles or other contents.
Modifying Default Templates
First, open either an existing OpenOffice template and modify it, or open a new document and edit it as necessary to create the desired template.
You can define a document template for each OpenOffice module. The following describes how to proceed for text documents.
1. Save the document by choosing File - Templates - Save and saving the document in the My Templates category.
2. Choose File - Templates - Organize.
3. Double-click My Templates in the list on the left. You will see the user-defined templates in the user directory specified under Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Paths. Select the template you have just saved and open the context menu or open the submenu of the Commands button.
4. Choose Set As Default Template. The next time you open a new text document, the new document will be based on the new default template.
Resetting Default Templates
To reset the modified text template to the original default template:
1. Choose File - Templates - Organize.
2. Open the context menu and choose Reset default template. In the submenu, select the document type whose default setting you want to restore. Thereafter, when you open an empty text document, it will again correspond to the OpenOffice default template for text documents.
Using Custom Templates
There are several ways to make your work easier by using your own custom templates.
Templates in the Template Folder
You can save a new template with File - Templates - Save or by selecting "Template" file type in any Save dialog. Save the template in the user directory specified under Tools - Options - OpenOffice - Paths to be able to access the template from within the File - New - From Templates and Documents dialog.
You may need to update the view of the templates in the dialog before you can see a newly created template. In this case, choose File - Templates - Organize and in the submenu of the Commands button, choose Update.
To open the template for editing, choose File - Templates - Edit.