Hi Pawichaya Tanunchai.
Today I take out your donation money from book bank me.
KTB BANK verify and write on their envelope your amount and serial number of the 190 B Note.
Also if I find Post Office on my way then I send you 4 pc of Lp Thuad + Brochure of Old Lady Teacher who was Lp Thuads Sister in Past life.
She can speak Bali Language same monks and can communicate with Lp Thuad directly.
Brochure has name of lady and khun Piay who care for her old age now.
They still give out Lp Thuad to Good People.
I have been chosen over 5 years ago to continue the Good work of Lp Thuad and give faith to the Nations People.
Amulet Statue can not be Sold as that gives bad Karma to person who do.
Amulet should be worn all time on body or can be placed in car motor bike for protection and Safety.
Miracles happens all the time and many people who are sick or in need of help or better for life can ask Lp Thuad for anything.
Everything is possible if person believes in Lp Thuads magic.
Brochure can later give to other person or teach children about Lp Thuad or can be put on wall over the bed.
I will send one more Lp Thuad total 5 pc and you can select who you like give it to.
Lp Thuad can only be received when ex you meet person you not know and that person give you a wonderful smile, That is the signal that Lp Thuad give you for bring him to other good person.
I will send it to this address:
77/4 moo9 Sandonkeaw Martha Lampang 52150.