When there is a perception of intercultural communication different. It will have an impact on intercultural communication is when we go to different cultures. Some cultures have rules to follow. It is believed that everyone has to follow its own uniqueness that we will be able to adapt to a different culture will take time to adjust to living with a different culture and we have to adapt to a different culture has impact. compounding is that we will be able to treat other cultures different from their own culture, the culture correctly or not. But if we can not perform correctly, it will be a problem as we can fit into society and live in a culture that has difficulty eating, like South Korea. South Korea has a way of eating are they will not use chopsticks with spoon simultaneously but they use chopsticks side dish. The spoon to eat rice and soup. If we go to South Korea by not using spoons, chopsticks, it affects communication between cultures. We are living in South Korea unpleasantly. So whether we're going to if we do not know how to fit into society, it may affect communication between cultures.