We have to do a presentation of a poster we need to make (3 of us including me). It's due in a in 5 days and for the last 3 weeks they've been ignoring my suggestions to meet (we're the last group to). Finally met today after saying we would come with journal articles so it won't take as long. Neither of them did so they spent 3 hours doing that while i was left with nothing so ended up having to start on the poster. I've done over 3 quarters of the poster now (theoretical work/ implications/discussion/results). Than they left early and told me to email it to them so we can all add on our own research (they have 2/3 each, i brought 6)!!! I've only written 3 of the results up. What should i do!?! This count towards my degree. We have to give each other peer assessment but them two are good friends and will give each other excellent whilst i'm going to give them all 1's (out of 5's). But still they out number me so it won't make a difference. Seems a bit childish to tell my tutor (even though i'm tempted to). What would you do?? Maybe i'll tell them to the rest of mine up since i've done all the other stuff (my work will take them about 5 sentences)? I know the other 2 but not good friends, i can avoid them easily.