A nephrostomy tube is a small rubber tube that is placed through a hole in the skin and that extends into the kidney. The tube allows direct drainage from the kidney. Often called a percutaneous nephrostomy tube, the device attaches to a collection bag that collects and measures urine output. The tube allows urine to bypass blocked or damaged ureters in order to avoid the risk of infection or irreversible damage that the backflow of urine causes for a patient with a blockage or leak.
There are several reasons this device might be prescribed in a patient's plan of care. A urologist or nephrologist might need direct access to apart of the upper urinary tract for various procedures. Kidney stones or other blockages can stop the flow of urine from the kidneys through ureters and into the bladder. This can cause pain and a condition known as hydronephritis. A nephrostomy tube bypasses the blocked area, allowing urine to leave the body.