I2C serial interface
The LSM9DS0 I2C is a bus slave. The I2C is employed to write data into registers whose
content can also be read back.
The relevant I2C terminology is given in the table below.
There are two signals associated with the I2C bus: the serial clock line (SCL) and the serial
data line (SDA). The latter is a bidirectional line used for sending and receiving the data
to/from the interface. Both lines must be connected to Vdd_IO through external pull-up
resistors. When the bus is free, both lines are high.
The I2C interface is compliant with fast mode (400 kHz) I2C standards as well as with
normal mode.
I2C operation
The transaction on the bus is started through a START (ST) signal. A START condition is
defined as a HIGH to LOW transition on the data line while the SCL line is held HIGH. After
this has been transmitted by the master, the bus is considered busy. The next byte of data
transmitted after the start condition contains the address of the slave in the first 7 bits and
the eighth bit tells whether the master is receiving data from the slave or transmitting data to
the slave. When an address is sent, each device in the system compares the first seven bits
after a start condition with its own address. If they match, the device considers itself
addressed by the master.
Data transfer with acknowledge is mandatory. The transmitter must release the SDA line
during the acknowledge pulse. The receiver must then pull the data line LOW so that it
remains stable low during the HIGH period of the acknowledge clock pulse. A receiver
which has been addressed is obliged to generate an acknowledge after each byte of data
The I2C embedded inside the LSM9DS0 behaves like a slave device and the following
protocol must be adhered to. After the start condition (ST) a slave address is sent, once a
slave acknowledge (SAK) has been returned, an 8-bit sub-address (SUB) will be
transmitted: the 7 LSb represents the actual register address while the MSB enables the
address auto increment. If the MSb of the SUB field is ‘1’, the SUB (register address) will be
automatically increased to allow multiple data read/writes.
Data are transmitted in byte format (DATA). Each data transfer contains 8 bits. The number
of bytes transferred per transfer is unlimited. Data is transferred with the Most Significant bit
(MSb) first. If a receiver can’t receive another complete byte of data until it has performed
some other function, it can hold the clock line, SCL LOW to force the transmitter into a wait
state. Data transfer only continues when the receiver is ready for another byte and releases
the data line. If a slave receiver doesn’t acknowledge the slave address (i.e. it is not able to
receive because it is performing some real-time function) the data line must be left HIGH by
the slave. The master can then abort the transfer. A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line
while the SCL line is HIGH is defined as a STOP condition. Each data transfer must be
terminated by the generation of a STOP (SP) condition.
In order to read multiple bytes, it is necessary to assert the most significant bit of the subaddress
field. In other words, SUB(7) must be equal to 1 while SUB(6-0) represents the
address of first register to be read.
In the presented communication format MAK is Master Acknowledge and NMAK is No
Master Acknowledge.
Default address:
The SDO/SA0 pins (SDO_XM/SA0_XM or SDO_G/SA0_G) can be used to modify the least
significant bit of the device address. If the SA0 pin is connected to the voltage supply, LSb is
‘1’ (ex. address 0011101b) else if SA0 pad is connected to ground, the LSb value is ‘0’ (ex.
address 0011110b).
The slave address is completed with a Read/Write bit. If the bit was ‘1’ (Read), a repeated
START (SR) condition will have to be issued after the two sub-address bytes; if the bit is ‘0’
(Write) the master will transmit to the slave with the direction unchanged. Table 15 and
Table 16 explain how the SAD+Read/Write bit pattern is composed, listing all the possible
Linear acceleration and magnetic sensor address: