As noted previously, the most commonly studied pre- dictors of service provider switching include quality or satisfaction (or conversely, service failures), switching costs, alternative attractiveness, and social influences (Bansal and Taylor 1999a, 1999b; Bolton 1998; Jones et al. 2000; Sharma and Patterson 2000). In past research, these drivers have either been modeled as direct anteced- ents to switching (or switching intentions) or are mediated by variables such as an attitude toward switching. In this section, hypotheses are presented regarding the role that affective, normative, and continuance commitment play in the relationship between these proposed antecedents and switching intentions. However, in addition to just consid- ering satisfaction, switching costs, alternative attractive- ness, and social influences, we will also consider the role of trust, defined as “confidence in the exchange partner’s reliability and integrity” (Morgan and Hunt 1994:23). Trust is included due to its important role in relationships (Garbarino and Johnson 1999; Morgan and Hunt 1994).