The evolution of the camera from the notice
.Portrait in the upside down on the wall inside the room a dull and unfortunately light. The image caused by the light of the view outside through the small hole wall to initiate portrait on side across the room.
.Later, with the principle of the invention is a camera
ob สคิว RA (Camera Obscura.) "camera" means that "room". "Obscura" means "darkness" in 2001.1558 you Giovanni Battista della Porta have written the article suggested the use of camera ob สคิว RA as a tool in painting, and at the time of the priest. Johannes Zahn (1641 - 1707) he designed cameras, portable, multiple objects สคิว RA.The image has no upside down anymore. In the Christian century, coinciding with the 16 have invention binoculars. The application of the lens on the aperture hole instead of needles. The bright images and sharp.