Q: What is the average number of students in Arabic classes?
A: The average number of students in Arabic classes is 8-9. The number of students in each class does not exceed 12 students. If taking NAS classes you will be with Moroccan and other international students of AUI who need the class as part of their degree program. Regular academic classes average is 25 students.
Q: I am not interested in transferring credits, is it possible to take one or more of the ARANAS courses as pass/fail. If it is possible, would the application process be any different?
A: The application process is the same. You can opt for pass/ no pass when you register for courses at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane.
Q: Are most of the students Moroccan or is there a more international selection of students?
A: The ARANAS student body is international and the majority of the ARANAS participants in the previous years are American. About 600 Moroccan students take the regular summer session, so they will be around during the sessions of the ARANAS program.
Q: Am I allowed to take the intensive Arabic courses without any previous knowledge of Arabic?
A: If you have never studied Arabic before, you will be placed in beginning Arabic I. Please note that Beginning Arabic II is not offered in track A2 (second session).
Q: Is the deposit of 1500 DH's required to be considered as an applicant or is this only required after an applicant has been accepted?
A: Yes, paying the 1500 DH's is part of the application process, and the admission committee does not review applications unless the fee is paid. Please note that the 1500 DH's is not an additional application fee; it will be credited to your program fee.