Inventive Principle #14: Curvature/Spheroidality 83
8. Team assignments with differing points of view to insure all sides of an issue are given equal time
9. Cable car weight balancing
10. Mechanic’s pit instead of raising a car for maintenance
Where have you used/seen used this principle?
Inventive Principle #13: “Other Way Around”/Do It in Reverse
This principle refers to reversing the normal procedure or process. Examples of the Use of This Principle:
1. Moving sidewalk
2. To loosen a part, cool the inside versus heating the outside
3. Treadmill (you don’t move linearly but the treadmill does)
4. Reverse order of chemical mixing to minimize hazards of heats of solution
(sulfuric acid and water)
5. Rotate part instead of the tool
6. Home visits by medical personnel; delivery of “meals on wheels”
7. Customers find suppliers via the Internet versus direct sales calls
8. Evaluation of managers by subordinates
9. Wind tunnels (vehicle stands still and the wind moves)
10. Home shopping
Where have you used/seen used this principle?
Inventive Principle #14: Curvature/Spheroidality
This principle refers to the use of curvature and spherical geometry (and thinking!) vs. straight line and linear. Move from linear to rotary motion. Use of centrifugal force. Cyclic planning and actions.
Examples of the Use of This Principle:
1. Ergonomically shaped keyboards
2. Roller balls, ball point pens, and spherical castors
3. Screws versus nails