After update overtime expense and check the payroll control report, K.Kulwadee (HR Manager) will send detail to K.Wipaporn (Associated Administrative and Finance Director) to put the detail into Bank system, which only K.Wipaporn is able to access, save these in form of diskette then print summary report from bank system to attach with payroll control report and send to K.Rihito Onuma (Managing Director) to approve. Diskette will send to bank before 1 day of payment date.
The salary will be paid on the date 20th of each month via Kasikorn bank. In case of resignation of employee, the entity will pay last month salary by cheque. Moreover, K.Kulwadee (HR Manager) prepares salary slip (slip เงินเดือน). Employees will receive slip from K.Kulwadee (HR Manager) and sign for their own slip every month.
Note: The Entity pay salary via Kasikorn Bank but it has issued payment cheque from Bangkok Bank or Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ to transfer money to Kasikorn Bank. This is because it can ensure that there is validity in payment of money with correctly amount and description.