1.IT / CIO Control Board member nomination
- The Structure is accepted in general
- Executive meeting assumes the CIO control Board duties until the need for a more working group related committee is emerging.
- At such time a nomination of suitable members will be made
2.Responsibility clarification for Data administration
- CIO retains the Data administration responsibility, however Khun Vivat will assume the Data ownership of specific data.
- CIO will distribute the list of Master-Data owners for Review to all relevant parties.
3.Human Resources
Web-master/e-commerce officer
Approved: CIO to send Qualification information etc to Khun Worarat.
L1 support for Navision
Approved: Contract needs to be signed for the one year MA.
4.Pending Audit topic: IT entitlement Administration process
Approved: CIO to prepare Circular and sent to Khun Worarat for Distribution