Abstract Evaluation of watersheds and development of a management strategy require accurate
measurement of the past and present land cover/land use parameters as changes observed in these
parameters determine the hydrological and ecological processes taking place in a watershed. This
study applied supervised classification-maximum likelihood algorithm in ERDAS imagine to detect
land cover/land use changes observed in Simly watershed, Pakistan using multispectral satellite data
obtained from Landsat 5 and SPOT 5 for the years 1992 and 2012 respectively. The watershed was
classified into five major land cover/use classes viz. Agriculture, Bare soil/rocks, Settlements,
Vegetation and Water. Resultant land cover/land use and overlay maps generated in ArcGIS 10
indicated a significant shift from Vegetation and Water cover to Agriculture, Bare soil/rock and
Settlements cover, which shrank by 38.2% and 74.3% respectively. These land cover/use transformations
posed a serious threat to watershed resources. Hence, proper management of the watershed
is required or else these resources will soon be lost and no longer be able to play their role in socioeconomic
development of the area.
2015 Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/