39. All tarsi clearly 4 segmented (Fig. 25) ........ 40
– Hind tarsi appearing to have 3 segments ....... 43
40. First 4 abdominal segments fused on venter; tibiae
dilated, armed with rows of spines, fitted for
digging (Fig. 26 ) ................... Heteroceridae
– Ventral segments not fused ............................ 41
41. Tarsi slender; tibiae not armed with rows of spines
.............................................. Endomychidae
– Tarsi dilated, spongy beneath ......................... 42
42. Frontal coxal cavities closed behind by epimeron
(Fig. 27); pronotum with or without moderate
prebasal impressions; body elongate oval ........
...................................................... Erotylidae
– Frontal coxal cavities open behind; pronotum without
distinct, paired prebasal impressions; body
elongate, slender ....................... Languriidae
43.Tarsi with 2nd segment dilated .................... 44
– Tarsal claws simple; elytra truncate; first and fifth
abdominal segments longer than others .........
.................................................... Nitidulidae
44. Tarsal claws toothed or appendiculate (Fig. 28);
first ventral segment with distinct curved coxal
lines ........................................ Coccinellidae
– Tarsal claws simple; first ventral segment without
coxal lines ............................. Endomychidae
45.Anterior coxal cavities closed behind (Fig. 27) .
..................................................................... 46
– Anterior coxal cavities open behind (Fig. 27) . 47
46. Tarsal claws simple; front of head with protruding
rim extending from eye to eye, hiding antennal
insertion when viewed from above ............
.............................................. Tenebrionidae
– Tarsal claws pectinate (Fig. 29 ) ... Alleculidae
47. Head not suddenly and strongly constricted at
base .............................................................. 48
– Head strongly constricted at base ................... 50
48. Middle coxae very prominent ...Oedemeridae
– Middle coxae not very prominent ................... 49
49. Metasternum long; epimera of metathorax visible
........................................... Melandryidae
– Metasternum quadrate; epimera of metathorax
covered .......................................... Cucujidae
50.Prothorax with side pieces not separated from
pronotum by a suture .................................. 51