departments to ensure that the aims of the PDP were being pursued. In addition, there was no viable strategy or mechanism for the effective co-ordination of the multi-sectoral programme. An overarching socio-economic development plan for the country did not exist. There was insufficient reliable demographic data and an insufficient number of appropriately trained people to analyse and interpret the data and to integrate population variables into sectoral plans and programmes. Attempts by the provincial population units to pursue the objectives of the PDP were not very successful either. Their briefs were unclear. They had no development funds.
The PDP met with considerable political resistance. In addition, there was little if any political commitment to ensure the effective integration of population issues in overall development planning. There was also no viable strategy to support the PDP s objectives.
As a result, the focus of the CDPD and the provincial population units shifted (from 1990) to the formulation and implementation of population information, education and communication (IEC) programmes. However, there were differences in focus, especially in the homelands, where the units concentrated on community development. The IEC programmes promoted the small family norm, stressing the relationship between poverty and large family size. The objective was to influence family size preferences and the reproductive behaviour of sub-groups with high fertility. Preference for a small family size increased during this period, especially among the Africans.