Could you make sample of bolt (see picture above – same size) with Trilux u-83 with similar colour as Jasco Trivalent Yellow TR—175. The colour should be the same or no change with fresh Alkaline Zinc plating + u-83 and also Alkaline Zinc plating –go for baking 4 hours - after baking cool down then go for u-83. If there is a colour change should be marginal or just a little bit change. Could you prepare each sample like 5-10 pcs and send it to me, so I can propose to the customer who want to replace Jasco Trivalent Yellow TR-175. The other competitor is Dipsol ZT-444 A&B but too expensive compare with Jasco cost. Potential business is good like 300 kg/ month. Tank volume : 310 liters. (off line). Thank you for your kind attention and support.