In a third older liver failure patient, the patient’s GP described having limited knowledge of the condition and feeling unsure of his patient’s level of deterioration, so had not made a referral. No frail older patient reported being offered any level of palliative care support, despite the fact that there were clear instances where a palliative approach or specialist input could have eased patients’ suffering. A frail man with severe pain had complex needs that may have warranted referral to a hospice; his GP talked about admission to hospital or to a care/nursing home, but a hospice referral was not considered. One carer, who was herself a palliative care professional, described her mother’s GP as explicitly rejecting her request for a palliative care approach, believing the patient was not yet at the appropriate stage. However, two frail patients were moving to a more palliative approach to their care. With the support of a GP who knew them, their families and their circumstances well, these patients evaluated what investigations or treatments they were willing to consider, according to the likely impact on their lives in general and their wishes for the future.