In spiration
While the Inspiration section is the last of the three Circle of Color Love concepts
to be discussed, it is not least noteworthy. In fact, it is here at the end of the other
two sections as a means of giving those other concepts some attention since it could
just happen that once you read this section you may not feel a need for the other two.
I say that because the shortcut method to figuring out how to make a beautiful map,
at least where color is concerned, is to borrow the color scheme from an inspiration
piece. This is what I call the “interior design” method of color choice. Have you ever
seen a TV design show where the designer reveals that the entire room’s tone, style,
and color were chosen based on one measly painting they found in the homeowner’s
shed? Well, the inspiration piece and its initial location may vary, but you see the
point. Yes, you too can riff off other people’s work, and the big secret is that all
designers do this, even map designers