Thank you for contacting iTunes Store Support. My name is April, your dedicated iTunes Store Advisor and it’s my pleasure to assist you.
I can certainly understand that you’d like a refund for the unintentional In-App purchases on your account. I know how eager you are to have your money’s worth and we appreciate that you brought this to our attention. I want to make sure that this gets resolved so I’d be glad to work with you on this.
Thanwa, I reviewed your account and saw that we still couldn’t process your recent purchases for 3.67 USD because your bank wouldn’t release the funds to pay for your order. As soon as this is paid, I assure you that I can definitely process your refund request.
To find out why your bank declined to pay the order, I suggest contacting them directly. If you can’t resolve the issue with them, you can pay for the order using another method. For a list of payment options, please see this article:
For steps on how to change your payment method, please see:
Thanwa, if you have questions about this order, we’ll be glad to give you the details. For privacy reasons, we’ll first need you to contact our Account Security team to verify your identity as the account owner.
Our Account Security Team is the best group that will be able to fix your issue with the unpaid order in no time. This support team is currently only available by phone, I do want to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
To find the number of the Account Security team in your area, you may see this page:
Or, you call them directly at: 001800 4412904
When you call, ask to speak to the Account Security team. Let the Account Security Advisor know that you contacted the iTunes Store Support by email, and give them your Case number: 841794973. They'll then give you information about the order right away.
I sincerely hope that this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing iTunes. Take care, and have a great day!
iTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Support
Please Note: I work Sunday - Thursday, 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM PST
On Jul 13, 2015, at 23:14 Thanwa Benjamakom wrote:
Customer First Name: Thanwa
Customer Last Name: Benjamakom
Lang_Country: en_gb
Apple ID:
User Storefront: Thailand
Concern Type: Refund Request
Web Order #: MH12JSHXFB
Content Title: 100 LINE Coin
Provider Name: LINE Corporation
Track IDs: []
Purchase Date : 2015-07-13 14:11:10 Etc/GMT
Purchase Device : iPhone
Comments : I'm did't mean to purchase this item please help me
Concern Type: Refund Request
Web Order #: MH12JSHXFB
Content Title: 50 LINE Coin
Provider Name: LINE Corporation
Track IDs: []
Purchase Date : 2015-07-13 14:35:20 Etc/GMT
Purchase Device : iPhone
Comments : I'm did't mean to purchase this item please help me