In order to adjourn testing process and also to examine testing
efficiency for any software under development, defining the
key activities is the first step. The various steps involved in a
testing process helps in the identification of attributes that
forms the basis for analyzing software testing efficiency by
making use of test metrics.
Measuring these attributes provides for some very useful
insights that helps managers quantitatively support their
decisions. It also acts as reliable support for measuring risk
and ways of its mitigation. Manager’s today are always
striving for innovation and rapidly changing customers
demands, subsequently only the organizations that are able to
control their software testing processes are better equipped to
predict their future cost and estimate accurate profits [22].
In order to effectively measure the impact of various testing
attributes in a software project, we make use of utility theory.
Utility theory not only helps to determine the extent to which
any specific attribute affects the testing efficiency, but also
helps managers in estimating an overall utility derived from a
combination of all the attributes taken as a whole. An
organization can easily generate a set of expected/ideal utility
matrix on the basis of the relative importance of each