Hotels guests were asked to rate the quality of services obtained from hotel receptionists. The mean value was relatively high: 4.27 with a standard deviation of 1.002 on the five-point scale. The average client’s evaluation of perceived service quality received from the social workers was 4.29 on a five-point scale with a standard deviation of 0.89, indicating a rather leptokurtic distribution that skewed leftwards. Hotel guests and clients of social workers did not differ from each other in expressing satisfaction with the services they received (t-test = −0.321; p = 0.749). Over- all distribution was normally distributed, according to the results of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (significance, p = 0.000). In addition to the overall distribution that was normally distributed, the social workers and the receptionists, respectively, were normally distributed, which means that the results of this study can be projected correctly from our sample to the population of social workers and receptionists.