I write to ask for permission from you to organise INTO USA LIVE 2015 in Vientiane - an information
session at Panyathip International School (PIS) on October 13th, 2015 from 9am – 11am.
The event will be conducted by INTO University Partnerships and its official partner in Laos, well-
known as Classy Education. INTO is a privately owned education provider which has a network of
study centres on the campuses of top UK and US universities. For this event, we will focus on US
Programs with top leading University partners which INTO has continuously been partnership with
University of South Florida, Oregon State University, Colorado State University, Drew University,
George Mason University and Marshall University.
At each centre INTO offers a range of Academic preparation courses for students intending to
pursue their undergraduate degree studies. Students who study at INTO are able live on the campus
and use all the facilities of the university. Typically INTO class sizes are around 15-20 students and
academic quality is controlled by the partner universities.