This research review summarizes the current literature
on sports drinks trends, marketing of sports drinks to
children and adolescents, and the health implications
associated with sports drink consumption. Keyword
searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science,
Business Source Premier, and Google Scholar. Searches
were carried out with a combination of terms and words
in the title or text. Databases were searched with key
terms such as: “sugar-sweetened beverages AND child
health,” “sports drinks AND health,” “sports drinks AND
physical activity,” and “sports drinks AND marketing.”
Article titles and abstracts were examined, and relevant
articles were retrieved. Additional articles were identified
through searches of the references of the initial set of
publications found through keyword searches. Position
papers from organizations, such as the American College
of Sports Medicine and the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics also were reviewed. Additional electronic
database searches were performed to identify research
specific to dental health and hydration. Search limits
were confined to the English language. Searches were not
restricted by date or study design.