Hello. It was very nice to meeting you. Thank you for buying me a drink the other day.
I find the job oppotunity very interesting and I’ve been giving a lot of thoughts about working for your company since our meeting in Tokyo, and I would like to request you to answer the following questions to make my final decidion. I am sorry to bother you again but I would appreciate your help.
1) I would like you to provide me a formal copy of job description and working condition such as salary, working hours, etc.
2) How much tax will I need to pay?
3) About health Insurance, what is the coverage for the insurance you will provide? How will it work and what is the percentage do I have to pay when I see a doctor? Will I have to pay the insurance cost partially or wholly?
4) Regarding accomodation, if my memory is clear, you were mentioning that you will arrange an apartment on your side but is that correct?
5) Would it be possible to pay for my one way ticket to Thailand?
6) Is there any paper work I need to do before I leave?
7) Last but not least, this may sound a very weird question to ask but I would like to know why you would like to hire me beside the fact that I am Japanese, can speak English, and still young enough. I am asking this question because we only had casual meetings so far and I only submitted a resume.
Thank you very much for sparing your valuable time in advance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.