No problem. We will meet the lowest producing team via con call on Monday for the collective 3 days. Fri Sat Sunday!!! We will go in detail of every appointment show and guest. Find out why they cannot produce.
We have discussed already 2 reasons staff cannot do their job
1- they don't have the skill
2- they don't have the resources.
All the resources are given. the skill is up to the GMs to train.
Steps we have taken so far.
I have given the struggling teams good quality leads to call. The feedback has been great. Good quality leads.
I have passed an additional 750 leads to TM dept to solely focus on RT club to help them this weekend. And I have a spiff of my own cash to the Top booker this weekend at TM
3 staff from ET will be sent to RT (2pax) and Zen(1pax) to help those GMs. So they have seniors.
Training was done yesterday 10am on calling better BRs. Our best appointment maker was the trainer
Training today on how to present for maximum closing was done at 10am by k Tew.
Checked all planners to make sure we are using the new planners.
I paid cash for them 40k today so the teams didn't have to wait until next week to get new planners.
Set basics targets for all staff except for RT and Zen spa.
Meeting all FMs GMs AGM and some OMs tomorrow make sure we start strong.
1 or 2 managers will be demoted tomorrow.
1 manager transferred to another dept. Effective tomorrow.
All BRs from 28th 29th 30th have been sent a warm welcome via SMS by k Nook so the conversion of calls to appointment is easier for all dept.
I have OPC staff in front of ET fitness and Et Est RT fitness Dragging new clients.