The overall balance of the water footprint for the production of durum wheat semolina dried pasta in 1 kg paperboard blue box produced by Barilla is shown in Table 1. Several comments may be called for. Firstly, the majority of the water footprint is due to wheat cultivation (semolina component), and green water is the main component in any country, ranging from 72.3% of the total WF for the USA to 91.2% for Turkey. The blue component is relevant in the case of the USA due to the abundant use of water from irrigation. Green water consumption is about 1100 l/kg, with the only exception of Turkey where this value increases to 2600 l/kg, possibly due to larger evapotranspiration demand and less efficient cultivation techniques. The other phases of pasta production impart minor impact. In particular, plant and packaging phases affect only the blue water balance with 3–6 l for 1 kg of pasta, while milling activities involve a negligible amount of water, with the exception of Greece where this component gives a contribution, even if very low. The grey water amount is generally much greater than the blue water one, except for the USA. On average, blue and grey water represents the 8.6% and 16% of green water, respectively. Excluding the amount of water used for cooking, which is assumed to be equal for any country, the total water footprint ranges from 1.336 l/kg in the case of Italy to 2.847 l/kg in Turkey, this excursion being the results of varying climates and agricultural techniques adopted in different countries.