Fusilade Super (fluazifop-butyl, 125 g ai Q-I) was compared
with the standard sugarcane ripeners Ethrel (ethephon, 480 g
ai Q-I) and Polado (glyphosate, 750gai kg-') under both irrigated
and rainfed conditions in three large-scale experiments and
eight small-scale experiments. Fusilade Super produced consistent
improvements in sucrose percent cane fresh mass and
juice purity in ten of the experiments, resulting in mean yield
increases of I, I tons sucrose per hectareand 1,5 tons estimated
recoverable sucrose per hectare. Conditions were too dry for
chemical ripening to occur in the remaining experiment. Results
with Fusilade Super at much lower rates of active ingredient
per hectare were either similar to or better than those of
the standard ripeners. None of the chemicals had any effect on
ratoon regrowth. Fusilade Superreducedcane moisturecontent
and restricted leaf and stalk growth more than the standard
ripeners. The implications of these effects on cane transport
costs are discussed.