Five equations presented in Section 3.2 above are used as the method of quantifying the co- benefits achieved under the measures undertaken by IKEA Xuhui Where Eos is the total energy saving (kWh), Ro is the average cost of energy use in the operation stage (RMB/kWh).
There are two main categories of buildings in China: residential buildings and non-residential buildings (e.g. commercial buildings, factory and plant buildings) (Qiu et al., 2007). According to the regulations from Chinese Construction Ministry, the commercial
buildings (e.g. shopping malls, offices, and hotels) withfloor area is
over 20,000 m2 is defined as the large commercial buildings
(Chinese Construction Ministry, 2005). Jiang and Tovey (2010) point
out that the energy use and carbon emissions in large commercial
building are 4e6 times higher than residential buildings in China.
To achieve overall energy conservation and carbon reduction
within the building sector, priority must thus be given to this type of building. Thus the core objective of this study intends to assess
Store between 2008 and 2011.