Almost every people have study in university. Often live in dormitory of university. But a few people live on dormitory outside of university. So I think many people live on dormitory outside or university is better.
Firstly advantage is have private because dormitory outside have 1 or 2 persons in a room and nobody to disturb when to sleep and read a book. Secondly is quiet, most dormitory outside have the rules, example every people live in dormitory prohibited has pet or don’t make a noise. Thirdly is convenient, some dormitory outside have a lift, some room have air-conditioner and have laundry and ironing services to ground floor of dormitory.
But on the other hand, there are also disadvantages. For example, electric bill and living expenses are expensive and travel in and out to university is danger. Maybe would have feel lonely if had living alone.
In conclusion, I think so there are live on dormitory outside because is private, quiet and convenient although will be pay expensive but it is worth to pay it.