Gas flow rate = 10,000 acfm
Water rate = 50 gal/min
Inlet loading = 5.0 gr/ft3
Maximum gas pressure drop across the unit = 15 in. H2O
Maximum water pressure drop across the unit = 100 psi
Water pressure drop = 80 psi
Gas pressure drop across the tower = 5.0 in. H2O
State regulations require a maximum outlet loading of 0.05 grains per cubic foot. Assume that the contact power theory applies (USEPA-81/10, p. 9-15).
Step 1. Calculate the collection efficiency based on the design data given by the vendor. The contact power theory is an empirical approach that relates particulate collection efficiency and pressure drop in wet scrubber systems. It assumes that particulate collection efficiency is a sole function of the total pressure loss for the unit: