One unique thing I have learned this semester is the importance of drawingswhen an ESL (English as a second language) student is present in the classroom.When first meeting this student, I was very nervous and confused on how toapproach teaching a child who could not understand a word that I was saying. Thisparticular student was only two weeks in the classroom when I arrived, so theextent of his knowledge of English was, teacher and thank you. After I sat downand discussed with my cooperating teacher his situation, she explained to me theroute that she has decided to take to try and keep him as involved in the classroomas possible. She did some thinking, and found that him making drawings in place of different writing activities. Drawing can serve purposes similar to talk, which in this
One unique thing I have learned this semester is the importance of drawingswhen an ESL (English as a second language) student is present in the classroom.When first meeting this student, I was very nervous and confused on how toapproach teaching a child who could not understand a word that I was saying. Thisparticular student was only two weeks in the classroom when I arrived, so theextent of his knowledge of English was, teacher and thank you. After I sat downand discussed with my cooperating teacher his situation, she explained to me theroute that she has decided to take to try and keep him as involved in the classroomas possible. She did some thinking, and found that him making drawings in place of different writing activities. Drawing can serve purposes similar to talk, which in this
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