Once posture was stabilized, a colorful toy (colored ring) was
presented at approximately the infant’s arm length in front of
their sternum. The toy was presented using a device placed over
the infant’s chair that consists of a horizontal brace made of fiberglass
with an attachment for the toy. This attachment permits the
measurement of the distance from the toy to the chest (anteroposterior
axis) and calibration of the height of the toy at the sternum
level (vertical axis). Once the exact distance was measured, a toy
attached to a rod was placed in the device and was introduced and
removed by the tester from the top to the infant’s visual field for
every trial. The toy was presented approximately 10 times per level
of support, but there were occasions in which this number had to
be reduced due to fussiness of the infant. If that was the case, the
infant’s maximum number of trials was noted and the rest of the
trials were counted as missing data